Monday, March 21, 2011

A Nice Day at Day Mountain

Ah, March in Maine.  Some years we've been skiing on a great base of snow; other years we've been hiking on nearly dry rock.  This year, we've watched the snow melt under torrential rain, and we are anticipating another six or so inches of snow this afternoon.

Fortunately, we have been able to take some advantage of the nice weather and hike at Acadia.

The Day Mountain hike is fantastic for little and big legs alike, it is a great mix of wooded trail, open rock, and carriage roads, all with fantastic Acadia views.

The ascent is about three quarters of a mile on a nice trail that is not very steep or challenging, but very exciting.  The first quarter of a mile is roughly half plank boardwalks; this is a great way to encourage any little hiker!  The rest of the trail moves through nice piney areas and over sunny open rocks with ocean views.  There are options for the walk down - you can either take the same trail back, or the carriage roads wind down the mountain, crossing the hiking trail several times.

Map at

Getting there is easy:  Follow Route 3 south of Bar Harbor, past Blackwoods Campground and Cooksey Drive.  The parking area is on the left and the trail is on the right.