Monday, March 14, 2011

Clam Chowder for Lunch!

On Saturday morning, at the breakfast table, Andrew asked Leah what we should do that day.  "Lets take a ride to Sand Beach and go to the Thirsty Whale and have clam chowder for lunch."  Sounded like a plan we couldn't refuse!

This time of year, we park near the Schooner Head Overlook area and walk the closed road to the path on the "other side" of the beach.  The road was not plowed, but basically clear, and the trail was slushy, but likely just wet by now.  The weather was perfect...chilly, but not cold, sunny and nice.  We were not able to cross the torrent that is usually crossable once we got to the beach, so we had a small sliver of sand and lots of rocks to play on.  I love seeing Sand Beach at all different times of the year, but this is one of my favorites.

Leah had a good plan in mind, and after a nice walk, some beach playing, and a hungry walk back to the car, we needed Chowder. 

If you are more interested in just a quick beach visit and more time for chowder, the park loop road winter entrance is across from the Schooner Head Overlook and the Sand Beach lot is generally open all winter, along with a small stretch of loop road that brings you past Thunder Hole and Otter Cliffs, and pops out on Route 3 half way between Blackwoods Campground and Bar Harbor.  The Thirsty Whale is on Cottage Street in Bar Harbor.


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