Monday, November 7, 2011

Wonder why we never went to Wonderland!

Ok, a quick show of hands, who has ever been anywhere near Acadia and has never been to Wonderland?  I thought so.  Until recently, my family and I would have been the only ones with out hands in the air.
But, what is so fascinating, is how much the little mile and a half (round-trip) walk has to offer.

The trail is really a path that is easy to amble down, and turning a corner, we thought we were at Joshua Tree National Park, not Acadia. 

And then, the land opens up to the ocean and it was obvious that we were at Acadia.  The rosey pink rocks, baby blue sky, and salty sea!  The tide was low the day we were there, allowing access to different types of shore; a nice sandy crescent right off the trail, a large expanse of sun-warmed rocks, and an inlet with small rocks just around the corner.

The trails and views are great, and this is a fantastic hike for young and old. Getting there is super easy, too...parking is less than a mile south of Seawall Campground and picnic area on route 102A.