Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ship Harbor

June at the ocean. Nothing like it, except maybe July and August.  And oh, yeah, September, too.  Come to think of it, the ocean offers something cool every month.  But this past weekend, the weather was perfect.

The Ship Harbor Trail at Acadia National Park is one of our faves. The 1.3 mile trail winds through nice woods, opens, to quintesential Acadia rocky shore with tidepools, curls along the serene harbor, down to a small rocky spit with great rock skipping opportunties. The terrain is very easy to walk, has lots to see, and is short enough for little legs to enjoy!

The Ship Harbor Trailhead is just about five miles south of Southwest Harbor, past Seawall, and Wonderland, and the trailhead is on the left.

On the way home, the options are numerous, Beals in Southwest Harbor or Thurston's in Bernard for in-the-rough lobster!  The Dry Dock Cafe in Southwest Harbor is a nice sit-down place if that is .

Acadia National Park map at:  http://www.nps.gov/pwr/customcf/apps/maps/showmap.cfm?alphacode=acad&parkname=Acadia%20National%20Park

We have done this loop scores of times; it was Leah's first Acadia visit when she was just a few weeks old.